B2 Bomber at the Indianapolis 500

I was at home getting ready for a bike ride in my garage on the morning of the annual Indianapolis 500 when I heard a low yet thunderous rumble overhead. My neighbor who happened to be outside saw me in the garage and yelled for me to come out and watch. I knew it was roughly 30 minutes to the start of the race and realized the B2 circling above was waiting for the signal to start his approach for the flyover during the national anthem. I ran inside and grabbed my D850 which thankfully had my 70-200mm lens attached which resulted in the following pics.

Every aspect of the B2 fascinates me. Just some quick facts for those unaware (taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_B-2_Spirit):

  • Only 21 were built
  • Each bomber had a procurement cost of $939 million, with the total program costing $2.1 billion per aircraft.
  • There are 20 currently in service and are scheduled to remain in service until 2032.
  • The B2 can reach an altitude of 50,000 ft, with a range of 6,000 nautical miles, and 10,000 with one mid-air refuel
  • The B2 is capable of carrying up to 40,000 lbs of payload, depending on the configuration.

One of the aspects of photography which continually fascinates me is how impactful images can turn out being just by simply being in the right place at the right time, and being lucky enough to get the right image. 

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