Have you checked out the headshot gallery lately?
There’s several new additions thanks to the incredible clients I’ve had the opportunity to work with. Contact me today to discuss any professional headshot needs you might have.
There’s several new additions thanks to the incredible clients I’ve had the opportunity to work with. Contact me today to discuss any professional headshot needs you might have.
Check out the latest sneak peek with the Haas family! It’s been a pleasure working with them for the last several years and being able to capture their family in a variety of settings. Click the images to view them full size.
It was a joy being able to photograph the Krevda family and their newest addition. The beautiful backdrop made for quite the images. Take a look! Click on the images for viewing full screen.
I’m pleased to show a sneak peek of a recent senior portrait/modeling session with the wonderful Miss Lehman. She was a natural and the images turned out incredible. It’s been a joy to work in the studio and apply the various lighting skills I’ve been learning over the last several years. If you’re interested in your own studio session you can contact me here.